Monthly Archives: April 2021

How To Use Pop Ups On Your Website To Increase Conversions

Whether you have an eCommerce platform or not selling, your goal is to convert website visitors into leads by engaging them with valuable and relevant content. With just a few words, pop ups can do the trick by implementing strategies such as offering free information or providing discount opportunities your visitors won’t want to miss. But how would you know if your pop up is working? Through this blog, I will walk you through the steps in developing a popup to increase your conversion rates. Design Executing your brand through a design strategy is an important part of building trust with your website visitors. If your designs are not engaging enough for your visitors, then you are less likely to convert [...]

April 23rd, 2021|Categories: Digital Advertising, Marketing 101|

How To Write High Preforming Titles, Descriptions, and Tags for YouTube SEO

Humans have always relied on powerful search engine tools like YouTube in order to find the best content. It has added so much value to our knowledge base from tutorials to tips that it’s safe to say, our society depends on it. YouTube is the glue that brings together all the missing pieces of information. It was a saving grace throughout my college years when I had no clue how to complete certain assignments. I literally wrote an entire paper based off of the resources and information that I found on YouTube. It is the ultimate information source. So how can digital marketers use this to their advantage? The answer is simple. You need to show up in the search results [...]

April 13th, 2021|Categories: Digital Advertising, Marketing 101|
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