Monthly Archives: October 2020

It’s Time to Put Your Brand’s Touch on Contactless Strategies

The world is different, there is no doubt about it. As expected from your average millennial, I can’t help but think about how big all of this really is. There are countless businesses and industries that have had to take drastic steps in order to survive this wave of uncertainty, and even then, it’s not a guarantee. So, I found myself thinking, what are you supposed to do? Whether you are a fellow digital marketer, a business owner or a genuinely curious person, we should all be asking this same question. The good news is, I might just have the answer. Contactless connections. Think about it for a moment. Businesses are all fighting for their place in every industry just as [...]

October 28th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Have We Just Witnessed the Rise of Existential Marketing?

As humanity entered the 2020’s, COVID-19 took center stage. Sweeping across the world in a matter of months it wreaked havoc on the global economy and sent marketers into a tailspin. All of a sudden, the old world of business and marketing exited stage left and the new world order entered from the right. For months, and even now, the world simply stopped making sense.     This made it very difficult for marketers to navigate, and a variety of ill-conceived plans began to form. Some immediately began by celebrating frontline workers through their brand mascots, which was a tacky approach. Others capitalized on the shift and pushed their online and delivery services to new heights, usually at the expense of [...]

October 16th, 2020|Categories: Marketing 101|

Email Marketing Part 2 – How To Improve Your Click Through Rate

In the world of email marketing, there are two metrics that you have to pay close attention to in order to not only measure your success but fix the areas that are the cause for poor performance. The most important is your open rate, which our team did a deep dive into that you can find here. You won’t be able to improve your CTR if no one is even opening your email… Second to open rates is your click through rate (CTR), which is critical when keeping track of your email’s overall success: This is the next area that you need to focus your attention on after you’ve got your subscribers through the door. Now, in order to boost your [...]

October 1st, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|
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