Monthly Archives: February 2021

Why The Subject Line And Preview Text Is Important

An effective subject line is one of the most important decisions you will make: after all, it’s the first thing the reader sees in their inbox. It’s also where you make your first impression, and it should strike enough curiosity to increase your open rates. What exactly is the open rate? It’s actually a pretty easy concept and the most important to consider. The open rate is measured by the number of opened emails divided by the number of emails delivered to your subscribers. This metric can indicate if your target audience is responding (or not) to your subject line. So let’s get into it. I’m sure you have seen all types of subject lines, ones that instantly entice while others that make [...]

February 23rd, 2021|Categories: Digital Advertising, Marketing 101|

A Tribute to Tony Hsieh: What His Ideologies Meant to Us and the Marketing World

For those of you who might not know, Tony Hsieh was the founder of Zappos, the e-commerce start-up that revolutionized the way we shop online by putting the customer first which inspired almost every company that followed. In honour of his life and his revolutionary thinking, our team at Little Bear wanted to pay tribute to everything he taught us. Tony was a role model and inspiration for our founder and by extension, our entire team. We thought it was only fitting to take a moment to really think about how he was a true definition of a “trailblazer”. Throughout Tony’s working life, he was on a mission to create a company that put customer service and great culture at the [...]

February 10th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|
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