Monthly Archives: August 2023

Why Shopify is Leading the Pack: The Real Reasons We’re Migrating Our Clients to This Platform

  In the ever-advancing world of e-commerce, keeping up isn't enough; you've got to be ahead to truly succeed. With a myriad of platforms available for your online business needs, the choice is increasingly complex. Yet, Shopify still manages to stand out as the platform of choice for over 1.7 million businesses globally as of late 2021. Here’s why it’s also our top recommendation for clients seeking a truly advanced solution.   Pioneering AI Capabilities Shopify’s significant investments in AI technologies offer a huge competitive edge. With tools that leverage machine learning to enhance customer experiences, improve search functionality, and even automate large portions of your customer service, Shopify is not merely adapting to the future—it's creating it. For businesses, these [...]

August 29th, 2023|Categories: e-commerce|

The Hidden Costs of Hiring a New Marketing Employee

  In today's competitive business landscape, marketing plays a crucial role in driving growth and attracting customers. As companies strive to stay ahead of the curve, they often consider hiring new marketing professionals to enhance their strategies and execution. In this article, we will explore the hidden costs of hiring a new marketing employee and highlight why hiring a marketing agency can be up to 50% more cost-effective.   Recruitment and Onboarding Recruitment Costs Advertising and job posting fees Recruitment agency fees Background checks and pre-employment assessments Travel expenses for interviews Onboarding Costs Training materials and resources Time spent by existing employees to train the new hire Administrative tasks related to setting up new employee accounts and access Equipment and software [...]

August 25th, 2023|Categories: Marketing 101|

Marketing Retainers vs. In-House Employees: What’s the Best Fit for Your Business

  In today's fast-paced business environment, deciding how to handle your marketing needs is a crucial decision. The choice often boils down to hiring in-house employees or contracting with a marketing agency under a retainer agreement. Both options have distinct benefits and challenges, and the decision will impact your business's efficiency, creativity, and bottom line. Let's dive into both strategies to help you make the best choice for your unique business needs. In-House Employees: The Inside Scoop Pros: Deep Knowledge: In-house teams live and breathe your brand every day. They develop an intimate understanding of your company's culture, goals, and target audience. Fast Communication: Direct access to your team means quicker decision-making and execution. No need to schedule calls or wait [...]

August 14th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|
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